Saturday, February 2, 2008

Resources crime victims

Welcome to the "victims of crime". This section contains links to national resources for crime victims, in addition to resources in your state. To suggest a resource for this section, if you Please contact us.

If you are in an emergency situation, call 911 please.

After some crime, crime victims (and their families) may be able to bring a civil action against those responsible. About:

* Assault and Battery Cases
* Illicite deaths
Identity Theft Resource Center
Resources, information, forms, and local programs for victims of identity theft.

California Office of the Attorney General - The Office of Victim Services
Information about services to assist victims of crime and human rights, and California system of compensation for victims of crime.

State of California - compensation for victims and requests to the Government
Forms and information for crime victims to obtain compensation from the State.

Citizens Against Homicide
A sister organization to justice for all, which is headquartered in California.

U. S. DOJ Office for Victims of Crime
Resources for Victims of Crime, United States Department of Justice.

National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
The nation's resource center for child protection.

The National Centre for Victims of Crime
Information for victim assistance, support, civil litigation, and more.

Directory of services for victims of crime
Resources to help service providers and victims of a crime locate nonemergency services in the United States and abroad.

National Organization for Victim Assistance
On information and assistance to victims and survivors.

Civil legal remedies for victims of crime - U. S. MJ
Advice from the U. S. Department of Justice.

US Securities and Exchange Commission - Complaint Center and Enforcement Tips
The opportunity to file a complaint or to provide the SEC with tips on potential violations of securities law.

Federal Trade Commission: consumer information
Consumer information to prevent fraud and the possibility of filing a complaint with the FTC.

Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC)
A resource for reporting Internet crime and fraud internet filing a complaint.

National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C)
Nationwide support for organisations involved in the prevention, investigation and prosecution of economic and high-tech crime.

US Department of Justice - Resources for Victims of Crime
Links to federal resources and programs aimed at assisting victims of crime.

Help for Victims of Crime Campus
From the U.S. Department of Justice's Office for Victims of Crime. The National Women's Health Information Center
State specific information on domestic violence, elder abuse, and sexual assault (also available in Spanish).

Crime Victims' Rights in America
Historical and facts of the U.S. Department of Justice.

What you can do if you are a victim of a crime - US DOJ
Information from the U. S. Department of Justice

National Center on Elder Abuse
Assistance and information for seniors and their families.

Jewelers' Security Alliance jewellery stolen Tracking System
Database of stolen jewelry.

After Silence
Without profit, online community resources, and providing a forum for victims of rape and sexual abuse survivors.
Source for survivors of murder victims, information on the murder statistics, news, discussion and support.

National Crime Victim Law Institute
A national victims' rights organization which assists in crime

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